Wood Awards - Highly Commended, Small-Scale Building Category
Architects' Studio -
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal shortlist
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
RIAI Award - Special Award for Collaboration between Designers and Craftspersons
Stone Vessel
Wood Awards - Highly Commended, Small-Scale Building Category
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award nomination
Passage House -
AAI Award
Passage House -
RIAI Award - Commended in Research Category
Passage House -
The Royal Hibernian Academy Arthur Gibney Award for Architectural Content
V&A East Museum
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award nomination
Wood Awards - Commended
Passage House -
European Museum Academy Art Museum Award
UCC Glucksman Gallery - The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects Honorary Liveryman - Sheila O'Donnell
- The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects Honorary Liveryman - John Tuomey
Wood Awards - Commended
Irish Concrete Society - Building Award
UCC Student Hub -
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal
The Lyric Theatre -
AAI Award - Special Mention
UCC Student Hub -
RIAI Award - Adaptation and Re-use
UCC Student Hub -
Civic Trust Award - International Highly Commended
Sandford Park School
Irish Concrete Society - Building Award
- CICA Awards CICA Pierre Vago Journalism Award - John Tuomey
Wood Awards - Large Public Buildings Category Winner
Sandford Park School -
Civic Trust Award - Regional Finalist
Sandford Park School -
RIAI Award - Highly Commended
Sandford Park School
- RSUA Honorary Membership: Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey
- Building and Architect of the Year Awards Outstanding Contribution to Architecture Award - Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey
RIAI Award - Best Public Space
Cavanagh Bridge UCC -
RIAI Award - Best Living
Sunday's Well Houses -
AAI Award
Cavanagh Bridge UCC -
Women in Architecture Awards Architect of the Year - Sheila O'Donnell
Central European University Phase 1
Irish Concrete Society - Overall Winner
Cavanagh Bridge UCC -
Irish Concrete Society - Element Category Award
Cavanagh Bridge UCC -
RIBA International Prize finalist
Central European University Phase 1 -
RIBA Award for International Excellence
Central European University Phase 1 -
RIBA Award
Central European University Phase 1 -
Civic Trust Award - National Panel Special Award
Central European University Phase 1 -
Civic Trust Award
Central European University Phase 1 -
Civic Trust Award - Commendation
St. Angela’s College -
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal - highly commended
Sean O’Casey Community Centre -
RHA Arthur Gibney Award
Unfinished Museum -
People’s Choice Award - The Best Building in London over Last 10 Years
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre
Irish Concrete Society - Overall Winner
RIAI Award - Best International Project
Central European University Phase 1 -
AAI Award
St. Angela’s College -
Irish Concrete Society - Building Award
St. Angela’s College -
Irish Concrete Society - Overall Winner
St. Angela’s College -
Cork Better Building Awards - Judges Choice Award
St. Angela’s College
RIAI Award - Best International Project
- Image Interiors & Living Design Awards - Irish Design Hero - O'Donnell + Tuomey
Baumit Façade of the Year Award
Central European University Phase 1 -
RIBA Award for International Excellence
St. Angela’s College -
RIAI Award - Best Education Building
St. Angela’s College
RIAI Silver Medal for Housing finalist
Timberyard Housing -
Westminster Society Biennial Award for Architecture
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre - American Academy of Arts and Letters - Brunner Prize - Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award finalist
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
Civic Trust Award - Special Award for Brick
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre - RIBA Royal Gold Medal - Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey
RIAI Silver Medal for Housing finalist
RIBA Award London Building of the Year
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
AAI Award - Special Mention
Photographers’ Gallery London -
Wood Awards - International Wood Award
The Vessel, Biennale 2012 -
Brick Awards - Supreme Winner
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
Brick Awards - Best Education Building
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
Brick Awards - Use of Brick and Clay Products
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
Concrete Society Award - Best Building (Education)
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
Leaf Awards - Public Building of the Year
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
RIBA Stirling Prize finalist
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
RIBA Award
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
RIAI Award - Best International Award
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
Irish Building and Design Award - International Award
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
Irish Concrete Society - International Award
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre -
AAI Award
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre
RIBA Award London Building of the Year
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal shortlist
UCC Glucksman Gallery -
RIBA Award
Photographers’ Gallery London -
RIAI Award - Best International Award
Photographers’ Gallery London -
Westminster Society Biennial Award for Renovated Architecture
Photographers’ Gallery London -
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award shortlist
The Lyric Theatre
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal shortlist
AAI Award - Special Mention
The Vessel, Biennale 2012 - Icon Award - Architecture Practice of the Year
RIBA Stirling Prize finalist
The Lyric Theatre -
RIBA Award
The Lyric Theatre -
RIAI Award
The Lyric Theatre -
Civic Trust Award
The Lyric Theatre -
AAI Award (Special Award)
The Lyric Theatre -
The Liam McCormick Building of the Year Award
The Lyric Theatre -
RSUA Design Award
The Lyric Theatre -
Department of Environment Planning and Development Award
The Lyric Theatre -
Irish Concrete Society - Overall Winner
The Lyric Theatre -
Irish Concrete Society - Building Award
The Lyric Theatre
AAI Award - Special Mention
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award nomination
Irish Language Cultural Centre -
RIBA Stirling Prize finalist
Irish Language Cultural Centre -
RIBA Award
Irish Language Cultural Centre -
Brick Awards - Supreme Winner
The Lyric Theatre -
Brick Awards - Best Public Building
The Lyric Theatre -
Architectural Review House Award commendation
Sleeping Giant - Killiney House -
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award shortlist
Timberyard Housing
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award nomination
AAI Downes Medal
Timberyard Housing -
AAI Award (Special Award)
Irish Language Cultural Centre -
Civic Trust Award
Timberyard Housing -
RIBA Award (International Award)
Timberyard Housing -
RIBA International Lubetkin Prize shortlist
Timberyard Housing -
World Architecture Festival - shortlist
Timberyard Housing -
World Architecture Festival - runner up in Civic and Community Category
Irish Language Cultural Centre
AAI Downes Medal
The Academy of Urbanism The Great Place Award - Meeting House Square
National Photographic Archive / DIT School of Photography
Gallery of Photography -
AAI Award (Special Award)
Sean O’Casey Community Centre -
AAI Award
Sleeping Giant - Killiney House -
RIBA Award (International Award)
Sean O’Casey Community Centre -
RIBA International Lubetkin Prize shortlist
Sean O’Casey Community Centre -
RIAI Award
Timberyard Housing -
Irish Concrete Society - Building Award
Sean O’Casey Community Centre
The Academy of Urbanism The Great Place Award - Meeting House Square
RIBA Award (European Award)
Sleeping Giant - Killiney House -
AAI Award commendation
TCD Irish Art Research Centre -
1st World Architecture Festival shortlist
Sleeping Giant - Killiney House -
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award nomination
Sleeping Giant - Killiney House -
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award nomination
Sean O’Casey Community Centre
RIBA Award (European Award)
Irish Concrete Society - Building Award
Sleeping Giant - Killiney House -
Irish Concrete Society - Overall Winner
Sleeping Giant - Killiney House -
RIAI Award - selected for exhibition
Cherry Orchard School -
RIBA Award (European Awards)
Cherry Orchard School -
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award nomination
Cherry Orchard School
Irish Concrete Society - Building Award
RIBA Stirling Prize finalist
UCC Glucksman Gallery -
RIAI Award - Best Public Building
UCC Glucksman Gallery -
SEAI Sustainable Energy Award
UCC Glucksman Gallery -
UK Buildings Services Award Project of the Year
UCC Glucksman Gallery -
RIBA Award
UCC Glucksman Gallery -
GAGA Construction Award Hot Dip Galvanising Award
UCC Glucksman Gallery -
AAI Award - Special Mention
UCC Glucksman Gallery -
AAI Award - Special Mention
Ireland's Pavilion, Biennale 2004 -
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal
Ranelagh Multidenominational School -
RIAI Award
Ireland's Pavilion, Biennale 2004
RIBA Stirling Prize finalist
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal commendation
National Photographic Archive / DIT School of Photography -
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award shortlist
GMIT Furniture College Letterfrack -
RIBA Award
UCD Centre for Research into Infectious Diseases -
RIBA Award
Galbally Housing -
RIAI Award
Galbally Housing -
RIAI Award
Leinster House Press Reception Room -
AAI Award
Galbally Housing -
AAI Award
Leinster House Press Reception Room
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal commendation
- UIA Abercrombie Prize - International Urban Design Award
RIAI Award
Martin House (House at Chapel Pass) -
AAI Downes Medal
GMIT Furniture College Letterfrack
Glen Dimplex Grand Prix Design Award
Milkbar -
RIAI Award
Glen Dimplex Grand Prix Design Award
RIBA Stirling Prize finalist
Ranelagh Multidenominational School -
RIBA Award - Best building in Educational Category in Europe
Ranelagh Multidenominational School -
AAI Downes Medal
Ranelagh Multidenominational School -
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award shortlist
Ranelagh Multidenominational School -
AAI Award
Ranelagh Multidenominational School -
AAI Award
Hudson House -
RIAI Award
Hudson House -
Irish Concrete Society Special commendation
Hudson House - Telecom Eireann / Irish Independent Business Today Award
RIBA Stirling Prize finalist
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal commendation
Blackwood Golf Centre -
RIBA Award
Blackwood Golf Centre -
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award shortlist (Temple Bar Framework Plan)
Gallery of Photography
Irish Film Centre
National Photographic Archive / DIT School of Photography -
AAI Downes Medal
Gallery of Photography -
AAI Award
National Photographic Archive / DIT School of Photography
RIAI Triennial Gold Medal commendation
Sunday Times Building of the Year - Joint First Prize
Irish Film Centre -
RIAI Award
Blackwood Golf Centre
Sunday Times Building of the Year - Joint First Prize
- RIAI Triennial Gold Medal commendation - Laboratory at Abbotstown
- Iritecna for Europe Citation - Laboratory at Abbotstown
- AAI Downes Medal – Living in the City
- Lord Mayor of Dublin Millenium Medal for Architecture
AAI Downes Medal
Irish Film Centre