St. Angela’s wins RIBA Award for International Excellence
27 October 2016
St. Angela’s wins RIBA Award for International Excellence
The RIBA International Prize is awarded biennially to the most transformative building which demonstrates visionary, innovative thinking, excellence of execution, and makes a distinct contribution to its users and physical context. The RIBA International Prize is open to any qualified architect in the world. In recognition of the quality of the entries on the longlist, the committee have named 21 recipients of an RIBA Award for International Excellence, including St. Angela’s College Cork.
This is a thoughtful piece of architecture on a tight budget with difficult site constraints and is inspirational as an example of how the modern requirements for a school can be knitted into the community on a compact city centre site.
Photography can never do this building justice and it needs to be experienced to learn just how good it is. In this sense it truly fulfils its endeavour to extend the fabric of the city – rather than to present itself as a distinct and more self-aware piece. It is a disarmingly humble piece of work that delivers far more than might have been expected of its meagre budget.
RIBA Awards Citation
- Awards
- Education
- School
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St. Angela’s College
Cork, Ireland
St. Angela’s College
Cork, Ireland
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